Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Those Letters You Receive About Your "Warranty Almost Running Out"

Good day! I wanted to reiterate a story we originally purchased in our August issue of our monthly newsletter distributed to our clients and friends. We still receive news from customers who have received post cards AND phone calls proclaiming the “end of their warranty period” and that “you have this one last opportunity to extend your warranty”. The unfortunate thing is that these post cards are being sent to consumers throughout the state by “unknown” warranty companies, hoping to prompt you to purchase an “extended warranty” from them. This is very similar to the “fishing” that some have done on the Internet through SPAM e-mails. The important thing to remember is: these companies do not know if your warranty is expiring or not. All they do is buy vehicle registration records and send you a post card that is “vague enough” to completely skirt the issue – often times, this makes the card seem legitimate to the recipient. I have written to the office of the Attorney General requesting that his office open a file on this matter (of which they have). If you have received such a postcard or have one in your possession, please forward to me so that I can provide it to the Attorney General’s office. These are unknown warranty companies who provide, at best, minimal warranty coverage for your vehicle. Often times, these “unknown companies” will only pay for a repair when the use of used parts or aftermarket parts is incorporated. We refuse to engage these types of repairs, since the customer is the ultimate loser in this scenario. Only a franchised Subaru dealer can offer you extended warranty coverage through Subaru of America. I am happy to personally answer any questions you may have regarding warranty coverage.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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