Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Greening of Premier Subaru!

If you have been by our dealership, you have definitely noticed the construction work. Premier Subaru is in the middle of a $750,000 renovation of its dealership facilities to improve our buildings for our customers, employees and the environment. While we only did a complete renovation only five years ago, this time around we are able to work on some things that we really wanted to do. Part of this renovation has been to ensure that we are as green an operation as possible. These renovations dovetail with our ongoing environmental initiatives. In "greening our dealership", Premier Subaru has done the following through construction improvements and through process improvements:

- Changed interior lighting to the most energy efficient lighting possible
- Replace exterior lights with the most energy efficient lighting possible
- Replaced the paper hand towel dispensers in our lavatories with hand air dryers
- Installed secured shredder boxes to ensure that all discarded office papers are kept in locked cabinets, shredded and recycled.
- Installed advanced waste oil furnaces to actually be able to heat portions of our facility using waste motor oil, as opposed to discarding it.
- Installed advanced heating/cooling systems to ensure that the buildings are heated and cooled in the most energy efficient manner possible.
- Using cloth shop towels for mechanical repairs, which are washed and reused, as opposed to towels that are discarded.

In addition, we invested in enhanced technology to ensure that we move towards less "paper" and more "electronic" documents. To that end, we are also working hard to ensure that we have our client's most accurate and up to date email addresses. This will enable us to begin a process where we email you service reminders and notices, as opposed to printing them and mailing them. If you would like to receive your service reminders by email, please email us at with your email address and we will update the system.

We appreciate the environment. We have been supporters of environmental organizations and we try to "practice what we preach".

Thank you for your business and your continued confidence in our organization.

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