Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Congratulations Stan Nitkowski!

As a customer or friend, you absolutely know Stanley Nitkowski. Stan has been with our company since just about the beginning. During his time with Premier Subaru, Stan has sold about 1,000 new and preowned vehicles. He has also made friends with so many of our customers and ascended to the position of Sales Manager. Well, Stan has just been invited by Subaru of America, as well as the regional distributor Subaru of New England, to participate in an event called the Subaru "Summer Sizzler". By being invited to this event, Stanley has been recognized as one of the leading sales consultants in New England. During this event, Stanley will be helping to fomulate the format and content of sales training for the rest of the sales consultants in New England. During this event, Stanley will participate in presentations by dignitaries of Subaru of America (Linden Calder- Director of Sales Training and Michael Whelan - Sales Training Operations Manager), as well as presentations by Subaru of America's new Advertising Agency, Carmichael Lynch. We are proud to have Stanley attend such an important event that will help the learning experiences and training process for all sales consultants in New England.

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